Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Raya Visit

We went for our first open house this morning.  There were a few family members (and us) there.  Apparently they had all already eaten since we ate and they watched us.  Then we sat and talked a bit.  There is a custom where you give some cash in an envelope to the kids.  I guess its normally something only the host does but we wanted to do it, too.  They said it was the first time the kids had gotten those gifts from foreigners.
The guys looking sporty.  Sorry you don't have a good look at my skirt.  We'll try to get some full body shots later.
Of course, the food is awesome!  We'll put together an entire post on the rice wrapped in leaves and boiled.  Its in the bowl at the back with the spoon.  I was trying to teach Bethany how to act like you are eating while not eating but she wasn't getting the hang of it.


piano lady said...

How interesting! I notice all the corning ware. Is that food on the coffee table, or candles? A lovely group picture!

Luchadors (Pic) said...

Craig you look like Kid 'N Play with that hat.Nice!

Richie said...

I like seeing you guys in the native dress.

Aunt Re said...

You guys fit right in...love your wardrobe. Looks yummy! Looks like a festive event. LLL Re

Tiffany said...

LIKE the skirt!!! Even tho we can't really see it! Can't wait for the full view!

I'm with Bethany ~ I don't think I could have faked it through something wrapped in leaves and boiled. I'm not much of a "boiled food" kind of gal.

Craig and Angie said...

Lots of corning ware. If you can afford it. Pricy stuff around here. The food on the coffee table is all sweets. Open houses and visiting are a major part of the holiday and you need to lay out a bunch of sweets and provide drinks to everyone. Most places have no less than 10 to 15 types of little cookies/candies/nuts. AWESOME!

Craig and Angie said...

Also, I AM like Kid N Play, extra points for such an obscure reference, Pick! Wish we could take pictures whenever we wanted since we saw a kid with a six inch RAT TAIL the other day. It was VERY 90s. We regularly see great mullets, too.

JustinB said...

Pic, I was thinking more on the line of D-wayne. "It's a Different World," huh? (Sorry, I sensed a wonderful opportunity for a pun.) I think "Hammer" pants would be a great compliment to the hat, though. I think I'll go put mine on.