Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The shots to end all shots

We got our final round of shots Tuesday. Hudson and Bethany got two sticks, Caleb, Angie and Craig got three each. No one cried (well...except for on the way in). We're getting to be old hand at all this shot stuff. The only advice I can give, though, is that if you get some don't be nearly last like us. We had ice cream to celebrate and by the time we got through all the Drumsticks were gone and the ice cream sandwiches were a bit on the soft side. Just so I wouldn't offend anyone I ate mine (and Bethany's leftovers) anyway. What a trooper I am!!


piano lady said...

Caleb, that's the best face so far! You all are so very brave.

Todd Belcher said...

Does a visitor to your new home have to have as many shots as you all did? I better start planning now. Hudson doesn't look very happy either...but Mom was getting the shot. Delayed pain I'm sure.
I can't wait to talk to you 10 days...Re

Craig and Angie said...

if you come to visit us you have to have MORE shots! We don't want to get any of your viruses.

Todd Belcher said...

We'll try to make sure we are germ free...when we visit...Todd