Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Dufus Bar

Since becoming new Mac people we have made numerous trips to the Apple Store here. Its a pretty cool place with incredibly cool computers, iPods, and overpriced accessories. A week or so ago we were buying a few things and I was asking question after question when the man behind the counter looked up and said, "Sir, are you new to Mac?"

(Its the same kind of look you get the first time you go to Starbucks to see what the big deal is and have to ask the person behind the counter if you can just get a cup of coffee. "I'm sorry. I don't know about lattes and foam and espresso and how soy milk tastes. I was just wondering if I could have just a plain old coffee.")

I am also the biggest dork in the place. Everyone working there (everyone!) has this great hair and tattoos everywhere and metal in different parts of their face. They have iPhones and iPod videos and cool gadgetry. Me? I am just new to Mac. And obviously new at that.

So the issue last night was a question for what most people might know as the "Geek Squad". Except at the Apple Store they aren't geeks. Its called the Genius Bar. Isn't that cool? A tattooed, fluffy-haired kid with a ring in his lip. A genius. And me. The dork. It's just like an Apple ad on TV. All delusions I have of being even slightly cool shrink away at the Genius Bar.

Especially when the genius fixes my problem in 2 minutes. And when he fixed that thing that was easy and that I could've fixed on a PC, I didn't feel bad. After all it should seem easy for him to fix...he is a genius. And I am just me. New to Mac.


piano lady said...

I think you are a genius! That's where all that thoughtful commentary comes from!

Todd Belcher said...

You're certainly not a dufus...although Todd did think you should have thought of that first...your problem that is with
the Mac. I just want a Mac...I must repent. Ps Don't pierce your lip. RE

David B. said...

Sigh... PC are losing number to the Macs..

(oh noes)
