Monday, September 17, 2007

hello from Angie

Things are winding down here and we will be back in Glasgow for a few days before we fly out. The time has flown by and I feel like I am living in a whirlwind. We have had a lot of things to think about and digest. Hudson has had a bad day today. He has had 2 meltdowns. One this morning before breakfast and another one tonight on the way home from supper. The kind that he throws himself in the floor and kicks his legs and screams and cries. Luckily they don't last very long:)

Craig and Caleb are out walking/running. I have been trying to do a exercise video in the apartment. I have a plantar wart on my foot and it keeps getting worse and worse. We are going to freeze it tonight. I hope it doesn't hurt too bad! Well, that is all for now. Love to all



piano lady said...

I am praying for your foot and the tantrums! Try to get a good night's rest. We love you.

piano lady said...

How is your foot today? Did the freezing work?

Todd Belcher said...

Tell Hudson all trantrums are good for are bruises & dirty pants. I hope there are no more melt downs.
I am glad shot day went well. It may say Todd but it's Re....I will call as soon as we get the mail.