Thursday, July 9, 2009

Guess Who Doesn't Have Swine Flu!

Right-O! No one at your friendly neighborhood fast food joint. Today we went out for lunch and noticed everyone working had on these buttons. We asked if we could take a photo of one and they just gave us the button instead.

"Why?" you ask. H1N1, of course! The virus formally know as swine flu is big news here and has a few folks scared (especially of Americans). So the McEmployees were wearing buttons that announce, "I don't have a fever!"

For those of us who are metrically-challenged 37.5*C is 99.5*F (I had to look it up). That means you are healthy enough to eat/work/move about in public. We're thinking of going back 4 more times to get enough buttons to convince everyone we're not carrying any flu germs.

This has been interesting since most of our friends don't eat pork. We hear its divine judgement on pig eaters (not sure how people felt about the bird flu a few years ago but they still eat lots of chicken and eggs). Maybe its just the swine way of striking back at people who would dare drag them from the mud and into the smoke house.

At any rate, if you decide to come our way be prepared to have your temperature taken and for people's first question to be, "Are you are having any flu-like symptoms?!?"

*If there is a way to make a 'degree' symbol on a computer, I sure don't know how to do it. seems to me that and the 'cent' symbol got the short end of the keyboard stick!!


Aunt Re said...

Good to know you don't have H1N1...I had forgotten about it...that's how much press it's been getting...All MJ....all the time. LLL Re

Craig and Angie said...

MJ? You mean Michael Jackson? What happened, did he get arrested again? What a weird-o...

piano lady said...

You're not serious, are you? He's bigger than EP now. The memorial was quite an extravaganza.