Thursday, July 16, 2009

Just So We're Clear

We went to the dentist this week and saw this awesome chart. Just had to get a picture of it.
I mean, seriously, this seems like something that could just be handled while standing in the office doorway one morning. "OK, I'm the boss and you two are equal. Any questions? Great, I didn't think so." But you know instead there was all this catty fighting that culminated in a trash can that was overflowing into the floor because no one could decide who had to empty it. Can't you just see two grown people saying, "You're not the boss over me!" to each other. The only thing missing is his MISSION and VISION statements hanging for all to read. OUR VISION: EVERY MOUTH A HEALTHY MOUTH ... OUR MISSION: FIX PEOPLE'S TEETH AND GET PAID FOR IT!!

**Wait ... did I unintentionally give away my bias about those statements? Maybe its more a product of the 25 hours of meetings it takes to just go with the first thing someone thought of, "We exist to be the best blahblahblah in the Tri-State Area." YUCK!!**
So anyway, we celebrated our cavities and the fact that Bethany had THREE fillings fall out by going for ice cream and donuts. By the way, in Glasgow those fillings cost $100 each and the Asian dentist said, "We should never talk bad about someone else's work. But those weren't done right." Fillings here? $28 each.
Hudson passed on the donuts and went straight for the ice cream. The dentist said his cavity was so bad it couldn't be filled. His advice was just wait until he can't stand the pain and then yank it out. That professional opinion cost us $5.60 (and it was his initial visit).
Not sure if Dad has cavities or not but we know where these donuts go and we know why the neighbors are calling him fat. What? Just saying, thats all.


Aunt Re said...


piano lady said...

I'm having three crowns done next week, and I had to finance it - one year, no interest! $2500+! And you can't even see mine!