Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sports Day

A couple of weeks ago, Hudson had his sports day through his school. It was basically a field day but included a bunch of the schools from the area. It started at 9am but was still sweltering!!
This is actually before they started playing their games. Hudson is the kid in the center, notice how sweaty he is already!
I used to love field day as a kid ... as a parent, not so much.
The main sporting event--PSP. If you are young enough, its a spectator sport. The kid on the right is enjoying some chicken nuggets on a stick. Its a delicacy here.
Hudson and his on-again-off-again buddy. Some days they are good, some days they are no longer friends. Oh to be five again! I like how Hudson is smiling like he is with the President.


piano lady said...

What fun! Hudson, your friend looks nice - I think you should keep him as a friend!

Richie said...

Hudson smiles like has Daddy!

Aunt Re said...

Go team Nuri! Sorry it was so hot! I would not have liked that at all.