Thursday, August 28, 2008

Well Look at That!

Today Angie called from the kitchen, "Come here. Hurry. But be quiet." So we run into the kitchen, look out the window and see ... perched on our neighbor's back gate ... A MONKEY. Well, I'll be. Never have we gone out to see a monkey just outside our back door. He ran around our place, then up to another neighbor's place before disappearing down the street.

He was wearing a collar of sorts so he wasn't some wild monkey. Well, I guess ALL monkeys are wild. But this one was someone's pet we think. WAS someone's pet. Now he is free to go about his evolving. Or stealing bananas. Whatever monkeys do in their free time.


Aunt Re said...

He probably escaped from NASA....

Todd Belcher said...

If he bites Caleb, I insist that you put him down. (The monkey, not Caleb.)