Friday, August 15, 2008

Off to School

Here are the kids on the first day of school.  We broke with our tradition of taking a photo at the front door with new backpacks since no one has new backpacks.  Since they have nothing to carry anywhere.  That works out nice.
Caleb is using the computer to watch his DVD lessons.  
Angie has to be a bit more hands-on with Bethany's material.  After two days, everyone seems to be doing OK.  Its certainly a different set-up but think as we go along things will start to make more sense!  
The best part may be the flexibility.  Today we had a field trip--actually we just took the cats to the vet before Caleb was done and he had to finish up later :-).


piano lady said...

Sounds like you're off to a good start. Angie will make a great teacher, so will you, Dad! Kids, you will have to be disciplined, but you can all be teacher's pet!

Aunt Re said...

How long do you have school? How are Princess &.....??? I forget the other one. Did they enjoy their vet trip? Paco never does.
Study know what Uncle Paul said to young Timothy. We love you all and can't wait to see pics w/your visitors. I think I'm more excited than them. LLL Re