Sunday, August 31, 2008

They Pimped My House!

Finally some photos to show you some of the hard work of our Glasgow buddies.  This is Caleb's new work space.  His desk is now in his room with the AC unit instead of at the dining table.  It folds down when not in use (as seen in a photo below).  The kids' chairs hang behind the door when we're not using them.
These cool boxes hang on the wall and give some needed storage.
The theme of this office/storage room is "Out of the Floor".  Now the dryer is out of the floor.  Books are out of the floor.
The printer, modem, phone, papers, power strip, bottled water, games and calendar are all out of the floor, too.
This is an upstairs area between the three bedrooms.  Its a home school area now with a dry erase board and desks for Bethany and Hudson.  One is up and the other down for illustration purposes.
Caleb and Hudson's clothes: Out Of The Floor!  Hallelujah!!!  These little things spin around in each corner.  This is the open and closed view.
A bookshelf full of stuff that was in the floor.  You see Hudson's "closet" beside it.
Another bookshelf in our room.  Guess where all that stuff had been.  Right.  The floor.  I know what you're thinking.  That is a LOT of shoes for a man.  Men are supposed to have one pair of tennis shoes and one pair of dress shoes.  Truthfully, I only wear two pairs but am too cheap to throw away the ones I don't wear.  Some of them belong to the kids, too, I think.
Finally, Bethany's wardrobe.  Houses here don't have closets at all.  You have to add them later and then get all your stuff out of the floor.  The nice thing is that you can take them when you move.
Since, Abby has the before and after photos that is the best we can do.  We have quite the set-up now!!


Aunt Re said...

Now we can see what 9 hours @ Ikea can do for a home....Looks great...I know Abby wanted to get this task accomplished. I'm glad things are off the floor.

Sandie said...

it all looks wonderful!!! I know it's awesome to have a place for everything. Maybe I need to get Abby to come and organize my house!!! Nah!! She would faint when she walked in the door!!! So, glad you all had a great and productive visit.
Love ya'll

Aunt Re said...

This is a quoute...Abby says "Craig stop hanging your clothes on the Kiddo's art line!!!
LoL Re

piano lady said...

Looks great! I knew Abby would get you organized. She is the queen! I'm glad Bethany got a suitable closet for a girl. Abby would faint at my house, too. Way, way too much stuff! I'm beginning to purge, though.