Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tropsicles (or Do I Laugh or Cry)

Can you make this out?  This is what you get when you buy popsicles in the tropics (hence the phrase I coined: Tropsicles).  

First, the popsicles are made frozen and delicious.  This one is even lime with vanilla ice cream inside.  **(Yes, I know astute blog readers that technically this would not be a "popsicle" but more in the "creamsicle" vein ... hang with me)**.  
Then the delicousness melts somewhere along the line.  And it gets re-frozen.  So you are met with this thing when you open the package.  Truthfully, I knew something was up when I couldn't tell which end had the stick so I would know which end to tear open and blow into.  Yeah, I do that.  That is how I roll.

Just so you know, this is the kind of thing that will give you a meltdown on some culture shock days.  You imagine it all in your mind, preparing yourself.  Then when you open 'er up: you find this mess.  Then you must decide.  Do I laugh or cry?  Do I eat it or fish out the stick and stab someone with it? Therein is the question that must be answered.  Eating or stabbing? Can I make it here or not?  Then you eat it and lick the wrapper in victory.


piano lady said...

I love how we can always tell who is writing these comments! Can you take a cooler to the store with you? Would that be feasible? I've read that, but have never done it.

Craig and Angie said...

A cooler? No way! For some reason they cost about $50 here for a fairly small one. We can't afford it. I thought about having Randy use one as his carry-on when he comes over since he is from Edmonton. He wouldn't feel any shame. Probably has never heard the Jeff Foxworthy joke about rednecks using coolers as luggage and it would seem natural to him :-). We brought the ice cream right home, I think it melted in shipping but could be wrong.

Tiffany said...

HAAAAAAAAAAAA! I know I'M laughing!

They on't have popsicles here (or creamsicles) but the chocolate looks about like that most days during the summer!

Sandie said...

You could get someone to just bring one of those folding coolers and it would fit in their suitcase. However, I really would love to see Randy carrying one across the world!!!! Ha!!! Glad you decided to eat it rather than stab. And yes, I agree, it is funny how easy it is to know who's writing the entry.