Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Full Shmull

This is a typical parking garage at a typical mall. The awesome thing is that the garages are never full. Now I don't mean all the spaces are never full. Its like that ALL THE TIME. I mean even when its full, its not "full". You just drive around the 'SORRY--We're FULL' sign and go in anyway.

Then a guy shows you where to park (along with much shouting and whistle blowing) then you get out and leave you car in neutral. Right-O. You leave it out of gear. So that when other folks need to go home, they can just push your car out of the way! Isn't that dangerous ... err ... I mean, ingenious?

That is what this cool guy is doing. Pushing a car out of the way so we can go home! If you look inside that awesome blue piece of machinery and listen carefully you can almost hear Angie saying, "Would you please sit down and buckle up?!?"

The garages here are like that lots of times, almost every weekend; but the worst part is the elevators. If the garages are like this the elevators have to be worse, right? RIGHT! So once we found out how cheap the valet is we use it often.

At one mall we can easily wait 15 minutes for the elevator after looking 20 minutes for a parking spot. Or we can pay 50 cents and have the valet do all that! That IS amazing! And helps the economy, too...


piano lady said...

What an interesting place! It makes as much sense as some of our practices, huh?

Anthony and Sharon said...

...I've been trying to be a good girl by not comparing places... but thought it might be safer if I did for this one...
I have NEVER seen this done here... (They do it in Thailand too...just not sure why not here) so if you get here and a lot is full, you can see if you can find an illegal spot:) but parking in neutral behind someone will only make people mad because they wont' know to move your car...haha!