Thursday, February 7, 2008

Americans just don't know how to celebrate stuff

Today we went to a party to celebrate the fact that two boys had been circumcised. Isn't that a great things to celebrate ... if it wasn't you?? Lots of folks were there. They had shut down the "lane" in front of their house (its only big enough for a motorcycle really). There were tents set up, a live band, and a ton of food.

At one point they started throwing rice, candy, and money. If you think bridesmaids are bad fighting for a bouquet, you ain't seen nothin' yet!!

Speaking of food this is Caleb with a guy serving up enough rice for the whole neighborhood ... they hope.

There is fish in there among the veggies. Careful, though, it still has its bones!

The lucky guys are the two little ones. The party was in their honor. Somehow we were being treated like family. We even got to eat first. Which had the reverse effect they hoped for. We ate very little and later I wished I had two plates full.

We dressed in our finest shirts. Angie just got hers on Wednesday. Doesn't she look great?!?


Anthony and Sharon said...

Glad you guys had fun! One question though, had the boys already been circumcised and already healed or was it before the act? Here it usually happens when the boy is around 12...and he doesn't get to enjoy the party...he just sits up in a room with a sarong on (only the men can go in) and everyone else gets to enjoy the food and festivities outside.

piano lady said...

I have the same questions. They don't look too miserable! There is quite an age difference, it seems. Lovely people!

piano lady said...

Oh, yes - lovely shirts! I really like those. How are things sized there?

Craig and Angie said...

We are not sure if they had already done the deed in the recent past and were healed or what. I (Craig) just don't want to talk to them about it. I had heard sometimes people are invited to check it out. So fearing I'd be invited to find out for myself, I didn't ask.

They did ask Angie for money a few months back about some kind of surgery but we didn't have enough language at that point to know anything except they wanted money from us.

We thought at some point the party could be for that. Get lots of gifts, you know. But they put on the dog so I am thinking they had to spend more than they received.

The people here are generally small so foreigners shirts start at large and go up. Mine is a 16.5 so that is somewhere around an XL, I think. You wear then big, though, and untucked. Its the equivalent of a shirt and tie. One guy said with a batik shirt and black pants you can meet the president. That is pretty formal I guess!