Sunday, February 10, 2008

Fitting in...

Well, it seems we are fitting in a bit better. In one way at least. Friday when we left for the puppet factory we got to the car when we all decided it was freezing and at least I (Craig) and Hudson needed long sleeve shirts. We checked the temp outside and it was 71!!!

This morning we are going through our routine wishing for some slippers for my cold toes and wondering about this cold weather. When I just checked it was 72.5. Now we understand why the people say its always cold here.

Maybe the sun will come out and warm us up. (Special for those of you in KY ... just because its going to be 14 there tonight, don't think you are colder than we are. Cold is all relative ... well, no forget that. You guys ARE freezing! Sorry!!)

Update--Hudson just woke up and said, "Its too cold in here." But he still wants to wear shorts today...


Aunt Re said...

It is freezing here...the faucets are all dripping. I am soo cold!!!
You must be feeling better if you got out on Sunday. That's good news.
Uncle Todd found a car...Yeah! A
'98 Green Taurus in great condition
below what State Farm paid us...Go Todd Go Todd. DAD helped with the aquisition I know!!!!

Mom said...

I'm having a hard time feeling sorry for the 72 degree weather.
They are predicting a lot of bad weather here tonight. Maybe they will be wrong. Wrap up and stay warm and put some socks on.
Love ya!!!!

piano lady said...

I'm cold, too! I hope Hudson is feeling better, since you all have been out and about.

Craig's Cuz said...

The snow, don't forget the snow. It finally snowed enough for me to call in to work!!