Thursday, February 14, 2008

Dingin Sekali!!

I know you think its cold where you live. But is DINGIN SEKALI DI SINI (very cold here). This is from Friday morning. Can you see that?!? 69 degrees! If that is not bad enough around here "the wind gets in" your body and then you get "the flu". Right now not too far from the equator my poor toes are cold and my neighbors all have the flu from the wind getting in.

Is that how its supposed to be in the tropics? NO! And you know whose fault it is? GLOBAL WARMING! ARRRGGGGHH and Alas your cans of hairspray!! The people of the past have doomed me to cold toes and frosty non-tropical Februarys.

Who can save me? John McCain or Hillary? Obama? Al Gore certainly could save us if he were here. Borat? Maybe Joel Osteen? Or maybe I should just put some thicker socks on. Nah, personal responsibility is overrated...


Aunt Re said...

don't tell us about your cold toes...I'll get out my violin to play while you tell us your sob story. That's not cold. It's cold here. LLL RE

piano lady said...

Cold is relative, no? You make a very good point at the end, there.

Mom said...

You were born with cold toes. I'll bet Caleb is not cold. How bout it Caleb?? Are you cold?? that is the real test.....

Craig and Becky said...

Cold at 69. What are you thinking?? Here in the Seattle area this Friday morning is 34, yesterday we had 31....brr. I'm waiting for us to hit 69, that would be a heat way for us. Come on spring. Stay warm...if you can. Love ya

Craig and Angie said...

yes i (caleb) am cold. NOOOOO my record of having my fan on in the winter is gone. If you want cold, live in a tropical climate for 4 months then get in 69 degree weather. BRRRRRR

Craig and Angie said...
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Tiffany said...

You guys are cracking me up!!! We were laughing about being cold the other day. It gets to about 40 F here during the night and then warms up to abut 70 F during the day but the houses stay cold as they are all made of concrete w/marble floors on top of aforementioned concrete. I wear my sweater (the only long-sleeved thing I brought to India) Who would have thought to bring something long-sleeved here?!?!?

As I type this I am sniffling with a head cold and feeling your pain . . er . . cold!

Mom said...

It is 53 degrees here today, breezy and beautiful. Bring on the 60-70's. We can take it.