Monday, January 11, 2010

We Know You're Only Jealous in January

We've been keep up a bit with the wintery weather where you are. Now normally we can't make a sweeping statement since we have readers all over the world but right now it seems that the comments fits for everywhere ... except HERE!

Its COLD in Kentucky. Its COLD in Florida. Its COLD in England. Its COLD in Washington. But it is not cold in SE Asia. We have been having our normal near-90-degree days and upper 70s at night.

Maybe it just seems so much warmer knowing that so many of you are living through single digit temperatures. As we sit with sweat running down our backs we are still stubborn in thinking how happy we are that we are NOT freezing. In fact, today Craig went to a neighbor's house and he was sweating so much just sitting there that they ran an extension cord and got a fan just to blow directly on him.

Sometimes when we do want to feel cool we put this picture we got from Tim H on our desktop.

That doesn't happen too, too often ... but it does sometimes. And then we get over it pretty quick. Here's hoping you get warm temperatures back soon where you are, especially in Birmingham so that Aston Villa can get back on the pitch!

1 comment:

piano lady said...

Now, that's hospitality! Getting a fan just for you! The pancakes look delicious! And chocolate syrup goes great with bananas,strawberries, and pancakes! I see no problem with this, Bethany!