Monday, January 25, 2010

Swimming in January

One great thing about living in the tropics is that you don't have lots of seasons*. That means you can swim year round. So dealing with the hot, hot sun in January is tempered by swimming in January. Its a decent trade-off.
While Angie handled guard duty, Craig used the treadmill inside. The scary thing is that when its all over Craig may have been wetter than the swimmers.
If you swim, you gotta have snacks, right? One tip from us: marshmallows do not hold up so well in the January heat. Hudson does not mind, though.
Ready to head home. A pretty nice way to spend a Sunday in January!
*We actually have two seasons here: hot and hot and wet but we cannot actually tell them apart. Recently someone asked Angie about something that we had done and she said we had done it "In the Spring" (meaning approximately May). The man was so confused-looking she had to clarify!!


wsexton0 said...

Oh my! That picture of Hudson looks EXACTLY like you, Craig!

piano lady said...

It has warmed me up to see you swimming! I've been cold for weeks! When I'm freezing, I'm thinking about you sweating!

Aunt Re said...

Do I need to bring my swim suit?