Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Third Down Conversion

On Tuesday Dad got the idea of having chocolate chip pancakes for supper. Unfortunately no one else was in love with the idea. So first down was a no go. Even after we bought extra milk for the occasion!

So Wednesday we are ready to roll. Except when we get the mix out its full of BUGS! Man that is the kind of thing that will really get your goat. Second down a loser and we're off to the store.
30 minutes later we're home with our new mix and ready to cook! Only to go to the cabinet and find we have no chocolate chips!! WHAT?!?
Its third down with the defense pressing. But Mom calls an audible and we start chopping bananas and open some dried blueberries. We're back on!
Bethany even goes all special teams and uses the Hershey's syrup and not the maple stuff. We thought it didn't sound good but it is after all syrup. How can you fight against logic like that? Some strawberries just to top it all off!
In the end it all turned out great and it was still quick enough for us to eat and get cleaned up in time for the premier of American Idol. We were not too impressed with Posh's eye makeup but what do we know? Otherwise it was nice to have it back.


piano lady said...

And the blueberries are much better for you than the chocolate chips!

Richie said...

Sometimes you just gotta go with the option when the defense is tenacious!

Aunt Re said...

I like Bethany's idea the best...sounds yummy. Has Todd been emailing you about our news...My passport could be in action soon. LLL Re