Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ice Cream Man

Dave Cash can eat some ice cream. I mean the man can eat some ice cream! Check this out, he actually bought TWO scoops at Baskin Robbins. That is committed. He has dutifully been trying as much as he can and for his spirit to plow on, we applaud him.
Angie having a little mint chocolate chip while Hudson holds court in the background. The BR31 here has a new Peppermint Patty flavor which was pretty awesome. Now, it may not actually be new ... I don't think I have eaten Baskin Robbins since Randy was here last year.
Nick says Tom has eaten more carbs this week than any other week in years!! He is doing great as well. Sorry no pix of Nick. We ate this about 9:30pm and he was nearly asleep at the counter!


piano lady said...

I can just taste that Peppermint Pattie ice cream! Love all those wonderful pictures!

Aunt Re said...

Today I go to SBTS...Here we go I am excited for all of us! I know you are wishing you were here. Go Todd Go Todd! Love you all Re

Aunt Re said...

Guess who also graduated today...some River's you may know...I gave them hugs and said congratulations. A tad bit colder here than FL.