Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cool Guys

We'll get some Angie birthday pictures up tomorrow.  Just wanted some families to be able to see how their guys fared their first day.  We started off with some tasty breakfast.  Although we quickly found out these adventurers went down and had some food with NO HELP at all around 4am.  Quick studies these fellows are!

After breakfast we went for worship and then back out for more food.  This time for some "fried rice noodles" as Ann calls then.  The fish eaters joined us in thinking Craig's mom is a bit off regarding the fish curry. We had them throw in some extra chilis today, so it was extra good.  Pictured is Tom dropping in some squid.  We never got a good shot of the tentacles going in since he was gobbling them up too fast!

After eating we went to a local Christmas party we had heard about.  It featured some traditional dancing and lots of singing.  And afterward they had some snacks, too!

Lest we forget, at one point there broke out a sort of line dance that quickly sucked Nick as (since he was sitting on the aisle).  He is quite the dancer ... sorry the pictures weren't any better.


piano lady said...

Looks like they're in great form, as usual! I'm glad they hit the ground running. Take good care of them!

Aunt Re said...

So Tom had some Tuna and more! We heard about the Tuna Video. Glad to see their smiling faces.
I hope Angie enjoys her 40th presents! 40 40 40!!! LLL Re

piano lady said...

Well, we've had chili two nights in a row. Guess what's on the menu for Wed.? You got it!