Saturday, December 12, 2009

Birthday Party

We had a big birthday party for our combined birthdays on Thursday night. We ordered some pizza and everyone got some gifts.
We've been pretty well spoiled by having so much stuff come at once!! Big thanks to Dave, Nick, and Tom who sacrificed all their luggage space for us.
The kids were happy to get some Jacob Shaw original-design shirts. I recommend them as great Christmas gifts but he is very busy so maybe its too late to order.
Clue was also a pretty big hit.
And we ended it all with ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins! It was a great time. Thanks to everyone who gave to make it all so great. We appreciate it all so much!!


piano lady said...

Glad you were able to celebrate in such fashion! Looks like everyone was having a great time!

Aunt Re said...

I love it! Thanks for Calling us last night...after we talked to you we looked at the diploma one more time...Here's to what Dad has planned for our future...We're ready to dive right in.LLL Re

Anthony and Sharon said...

Did yall paint the walls downstairs? The one with the Christmas quilt thing on it looks darker than before.
This may or may not be a figment of my imagination and I'm ok with it. Kinda like a guy in a desert who sees water... I'm seeing paint colors on walls in Southeast Asian homes. SOOO wanna be there!