Friday, September 11, 2009

Monkey Lunch

Today we took a field trip to a park and asked a lady if there was a picnic area where we could have our lunch before going in. She said there was and pointed it out but warned, "There are lots of monkeys. Get a piece of wood in case you need to hit the monkeys and drive them away. Do not give them any food." And because she was a park employee and all park employees are just about the same she added, "And throw away your trash when you get done."

Well, with that exciting description we decided to have our picnic inside the car. The rest of the park was pretty interesting. We did end up seeing lots of monkeys and mosquitos. And we did have one monkey try to tail us to our car to see if he could carjack us but he was unsuccessful.

We'll put up some monkey pictures tomorrow. We didn't get any pictures of the mosquitos.

1 comment:

Aunt Re said...

Nothing worse than a bunch of Greedy monkies! Glad you did not have to use the stick.