Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hungry Ghost Festival

We showed up for Bethany's ballet tonight and found some folks all prepared for their hungry ghost celebration. The food was all laid out, the beer was chilled, and the paper was rolled. So I started asking some questions and got permission to hang around a minute and watch the fire. I had to work hard at declining the beer which all the men were thoroughly enjoying.
After a few minutes of them joking around (they said I had to pray in order to make pictures) and talking about how I could be an American and not drink beer, things were ready to roll. All the guys started pouring the paper "money" into a wire barrel of sorts. People have been rolling this money into cones in their down time for a few weeks. This particular place had BIG bags full. They dumped a bunch in and added more flat cash and then dumped in some more rolled stuff as well. I think the rolling has to do with ease of burning.
Then they prayed a bit, took some money and carried to it some burning candles nearby, and set it ablaze. While this guy was lighting everyone else was moving back, which made me wonder just a bit. When it caught good I understood. I was on hot fire. The symbolism of it wasn't lost on me at all.
Stand back! It was a biggie but didn't last long.
After the fire and the dedication of the food I was told, "We're going to eat all this food." It was a bunch, too. I was sort of surprised that the food could be offered to the hungry ghosts and yet still eaten by people. Sort of like giving your cake and having it too. Maybe its more like inviting the ghosts to share your food than it really being offered to them. I didn't chance it though and left before all the eating got underway.

1 comment:

Craig and Becky said...

Awesome pics, thanks for sharing them.What a fire, at least they had it contained. Probably a good thing. Love to all!!