Monday, September 21, 2009

Big Holiday Pictures

Here are some photos from the big holiday! This is a friend we went to visit in his real village house. That is kind of what he called it. I'm not sure if he was bragging or apologizing about the fact that he lived in a wooden house (not a concrete one) but it was a nice place. I like the little girl there peeking around the door frame.
This is inside his wood house. Two happy couples on the happy day!
These girls were so excited to meet Ann! Lots of people here tend to be very good at understanding English but they don't have a ton of practice speaking it. These girls seemed to fall into that category. Understanding a bunch but giggly about trying to speak it.
This is another house with a family that really put out the spread for us. We only knew one of their sons but they were so hospitable, we can't wait to go back.
Most folks who come see us we take out to look for monkeys. While we are out that way, we often stop by this lady's small shop to say hello and have a soda. She is really sweet, especially liking to kiss on Hudson! Look at that smile ... we didn't even have to pay him for it.
Bethany and the cutest little girl. People here can have these huge-looking dark eyes, like hers. It can be hard not to stare.
With an "uncle" and his five sons; plus some white folks!
Angie with Auntie and Ann. **Note Auntie Anne's is different but we have that here, too.
When its time to go, the kids walk around taking the hands of people older than them and touching the hand to their forehead (or sniffing the hand) as a sign of respect. On this holiday when the kids do that, they'll get a small envelope with some cash inside from the host! Its our kids' favorite part of the holiday. When we tell them we're going visiting they ask, "Will they give us money?" Just like their old Dad, I guess.


Aunt Re said...

Love all the smiling faces...glad you are there to share w/them. LLL Re

piano lady said...

I love to see all those faces! So now I know why Hudson is smiling - money!

Richie said...

I love seeing you all in the native dress! You look so at home.