Thanks for your love and concern.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Like some giddy kids we were pacing through the grocery tonight looking for supper. The place we're staying is a big 3 bedroom suite with a kitchenette, dining table, and everything.
So instead of trying to find a cab and search out a restaurant ... we went to the grocery and bought some HAM! Then we had sandwiches. Now I know you probably don't find that too exciting but the only thing that will get people more excited than ham sandwiches is when you start talking about BACON!! We already have a plan for bacon. Its on the menu for Thanksgiving.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Village Tour
Not too long ago we got to take a tour through a traditional village home with the senior adult lady that lives there.

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Big Holiday Pictures
Here are some photos from the big holiday! This is a friend we went to visit in his real village house. That is kind of what he called it. I'm not sure if he was bragging or apologizing about the fact that he lived in a wooden house (not a concrete one) but it was a nice place. I like the little girl there peeking around the door frame.

Saturday, September 19, 2009
For some reason around here its kind of a popular thing for you to have to cook your own food ... at a restaurant. No, its not a Seinfeld episode where people make their own pizza pie. In these places you cook you own steak, seafood, or chicken.
We found one such place all the travel books talk about and tried it out lately. Forgive the photo quality as they are snaps from Angie's new phone.
After you secure a table in this popular joint, you head to the meat cooler and pick out your favorite raw meat on a stick. They had pork, tofu, fish, hotdogs, shrimp, and more.

After you have your raw meat (20 cents per skewer), you head back to the table and wait for your stuff to start boiling.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Very, Very Important
This is a great sign that reminds us that some important people are more important than other important people. We are in fact just such people (i.e. very, very important). People who are only very important need not apply. People who are just plain old important shouldn't even bother.
Bethany knows where her significance comes from!! Just like her Momma. ;-)

Monday, September 14, 2009
Dentist Again
We were back at the dentist recently and this time they got the pliers going on!

She prescribed Hudson some ice cream, I'm not sure if it was to help with bleeding or was just a treat for him. I suspect the latter. The teeth ended up all bagged and ready for the Tooth Fairy. That was nice since the kids obviously wanted to show everyone their prizes.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Field Trip
We went to this national park for a field trip on Friday. It was pretty cool but didn't dazzle us with wildlife like we hoped. It was still good, though, so here are some of the things we saw.
First these crazy walking fish. Ann said they were "Mexican walking fish" but how they got to SE Asia is unknown. Perhaps after they evolved walking fins, they just walked over here. What I do know is that I'm pretty sure they are illegal aliens.
Sorry they just lay there like normal fish. Pretend they are walking on those front fins and you will get nearly the same effect as you get in person. The fish alone were not worth the trip over.

Monkey Lunch
Today we took a field trip to a park and asked a lady if there was a picnic area where we could have our lunch before going in. She said there was and pointed it out but warned, "There are lots of monkeys. Get a piece of wood in case you need to hit the monkeys and drive them away. Do not give them any food." And because she was a park employee and all park employees are just about the same she added, "And throw away your trash when you get done."
Well, with that exciting description we decided to have our picnic inside the car. The rest of the park was pretty interesting. We did end up seeing lots of monkeys and mosquitos. And we did have one monkey try to tail us to our car to see if he could carjack us but he was unsuccessful.
We'll put up some monkey pictures tomorrow. We didn't get any pictures of the mosquitos.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Design Flaw
One of my favorite philosophers once said, "A coffee mug has to be just right. Capacity, shape, handle design, pithy comment printed thereon . . ." Yep. That was the one and only Todd Belcher! I was thinking of him recently when Angie bought me a cup of coffee at Krispy Kreme.
At first I thought they had merely microwaved yesterdays coffee because the handle was so hot I couldn't lift the cup. After waiting a few minutes I found I still couldn't pick up the cup.
It turns out the handle of their cup was hollow and thus full of piping hot coffee. "Now," I said, "I'm no Eric Booth but I think this is a design flaw!"

*Dentists won't tell you they like you to drink coffee right before you come to their office but I think secretly they love it!!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Ramadhan Ghost Town
One night last week we decided to have supper at KFC. Now during the fasting month you can sit anywhere you want at lunchtime. Supper, though, you better plan ahead. So ... anyways ... we headed for our nearest KFC to find people lined out the door a few minutes before fast-breaking time.
Fortunately we have 4 KFCs within 10 minutes of the house. We just passed that full one by and searched out another. We got to this one and people were already chowing down. The kids went table searching while the adults got in line and believe it or not we were able to find just enough space for us to sit down and eat.
But before we got finished eating, this was what we saw. Almost nobody! One other non-fasting family came in and finding NOT ONE table clean enough to eat, they tried elsewhere.

Monday, September 7, 2009
Another Rubber Tree Plant
I remember Laverne and Shirley singing about rubber tree plants but never really thought about living where there really are rubber trees. We saw these guys in our area last week. A few decades ago vast areas of what used to be rainforest were hacked and/or burned away to make way for rubber plantations.

Sunday, September 6, 2009
What Ann Does...
Some folks want to know what Ann does while in SE Asia for 4 months. Well, lots of things including this stuff:

Sometimes she even finds an odd moment to grab a nap!!
Not pictured but also important: running outside to get laundry when it starts pouring rain all of the sudden, playing Wii, and getting Hudson to sing.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
A Regular Robin Hood
A mall in our capital city has opened an indoor archery place. We were able to nab some coupons for a few free shots. After a couple of years of camp archery he was a fairly decent shot. Notice the awesome action shot of the flying arrow. What an awesome photographer!

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