Monday, May 19, 2008

Its Really That Bad

Caleb tries to say he likes these but there is no way.  A seaweed pretzel is wrong for so many reasons!!!

(edited 5/20/08)  I DO LIKE THEM :-(


Craig and Becky said...

It looks like mold to me. I'd have to stay away from them. Enjoy Caleb!!! YUM.

The Sojourner said...

are you kidding me? auntie anne's? i am coming to visit you!!!!! what about rebekah? she is a mommy now. it's so crazy! blessings, amy

Aunt Re said...

Caleb Davis that just looks gross.
At least you are trying lots of new if we could get you to eat onions. Looks like a penicillin pretzel to me.

piano lady said...

Is it salty? Pretzels aren't good unless they're salty! I guess at least you get something green!