Monday, May 26, 2008

Greetings from Hamid's

Tonight we are having supper at Hamid's Corner restaurant.  Its run by Indians/South Asia folks.  This is one of our orders of nan.  That bread is my one fond memory of traveling to India (believe it or not dysentery is not my fond memory...)!

Hudson opted for the KFC nuggets and now is stealing Angie's bread.  Hamid has a huge screen up and he is hoping for dinner and a show!!

I hope you can appreciate two things:  Angie ASKED to come here and we had to take four pictures to get one with the red neon on.  That is just the lengths we are wiling to go for you, dear reader!!

BTW, we signed a lease on the house this afternoon so we are locked in for at least a year.  Come see us and we'll bring you to Hamid's!!

Props to Hamid for the free wi-fi.  That is forward thinking!!!


Richie said...

Much obliged for the neon light! Do the lengths of your unselfishness ever end? How's the language speaking going? Are you speaking their language, or do they usually speak English to you?

piano lady said...

That looks interesting. Thanks for all the trouble you go to!

Lisa Hall said...

Hey Faye! I see you made it! I already miss you at work! I don't have anyone to "Talk" to. Hope you have FUN with your family. Enjoy yourself and I'll keep checking for more photos of you! Lisa Hall