Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Movies

Sunday we caught a matinee of Indiana Jones in our new city and we saw some interesting cultural things on the way.  First, any time the movie got the least bit suspenseful--people started clapping.  Yeah, clapping.  I am not sure why but when Indy was swinging or falling or about to swing or fall--people would start clapping.  They also laughed out loud a lot.  Maybe its just being used to jaded American audiences but I don't remember theatres full of people laughing usually.

Second, as we've told some folks.  It was FREEZING in there.  I am not sure why they kept the temp so low in there.  It sure doesn't happen where we live now.  Not that its hot inside but I can't imagine anyone forking over enough money on utilities (or toilet paper) to make people that cold.

Thirdly (and most importantly), there was NO POPCORN!  AAArrrggggghhhh!!  What?!?  No.  Popcorn.  No Popcorn.  Only caramel corn--the evil imposter of popcorn.  I have never been a fan.  I don't think I've ever finished an entire box of Cracker Jacks.  If you gave me one now, I'd be appreciative and say thanks.  Then eat a piece.  Then throw it away when you left.  If asked I would tell you, "It tasted just like I remember it!"

Caramel corn?  Give me a break.  Even Angie who can normally eat TWO large popcorns by herself at the movies didn't even finish her medium one.  What is to be made of people who don't eat popcorn with their movies?  They need our help...that is all I can figure.

Now you may be on of those caramel corn people and would like to take an opposing position (you're wrong) or worse yet a kettle corn fan (seriously in some ways kettle corn is worse since it masquerades as popcorn, then nails you--at least caramel corn is upfront about itself).  Go right ahead and disagree, I can handle disagreement especially from wrong people.


piano lady said...

It depends on what you're after - munchies, or a treat. I like them both. The caramel corn is probably not good for the teeth, though. But a movie without popcorn - weird!

Luchadors (Pic) said...

I would love to see the clapping. That is just great. Maybe they clap to get their minds off of the fact that they don't have any popcorn. Deep down inside they are really hurting, so they laugh. Americans don't clap or laugh because they have popcorn crammed down their mouth.

Aunt Re said...

Craig if you recall going to the movies with us, Todd is often embarrassed by my clapping & laughing and saying bravo at the end of a movie...I should fit right in I like carmel corn. He was quite disturbed after we saw Narnia & Indy....I was loud. LLL RE

JustinB said...

Total preparation time: Take off your watch, round up the kids and have a good time!
Makes 16 cups
16 cups popped corn (made at home or purchased pre-popped)
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
1/4 cup light corn syrup
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda

You're welcome "C"