Monday, January 21, 2008


We get lots of questions about the weather here. Its "rainy" season here now. I say "rainy" since it hasn't actually rained for a week or so. The days without rain feel a little hot. But in reality we haven't seen the temperature in our house below 73 and never above 85 or so. It's great to watch the Glasgow forecast and see it was 7 Saturday night. We feel for you!!!

Since it stays so warm here, the plants keep on growing! Here is a picture of the guy cutting our grass. What you can see represents our entire yard. Not much room for baseball. This is a pretty normal way for the yards to be handled. Sometimes you see a guy attack a whole bunch with a small sickle or a straight knife.

Mango season has recently passed and now they are "really expensive" meaning last week I had to pay $1 for four or five. Now folks are eating rambutan:

Which is pretty good. After you get over the fact that the outside is kind of hairy looking and the inside looks sort of like an eyeball. Tastes more like a pear or something, though, in it's texture anyway.

1 comment:

piano lady said...

They sure are pretty! I'm not sure if I've had mangoes or not. The grass is lovely, if minimal!