Monday, January 14, 2008

I Ain't Your Man For That

There are a couple of big differences between the two of us. The way we sleep is one. Angie is a light sleeper, I am not. She is also a "what-was-that-do-you-think-you-should-check-it-out"? person. I am of the persuasion that things almost NEVER need to be checked out and IF they were to need checking, I CERTAINLY shouldn't be the person who has to WAKE up and do it. Just not your guy for that.

But last night about the time I get to REM sleep (which is like U2 sleep but not as cool and without as much staying power..) there was a noise. And worse than that--the question, "What was that?" "I dunno," I said. "Some kind of loud noise. I thought it was a dream."

Then the inevitable. "Don't you think you should check that out?" Of course not. I am sleeping. And what if its something bad? Do I look prepared for battle? "Oh, yeah." is my response. And what do I find?

My "humane" rat trap (maybe you should read the "Craig is a killer" post first) has been hit. This high quality trap allowed a rat to stroll inside, take a Hershey kiss from the hook, and then leave. And just for good measure he made a noise to wake Angie up. So I got awakened. Then I had to dig around and get out the traps from the USA my Mom shipped and set those. By the time all that was over, sleep had fled.

I was forced to the couch and even tried watching a documentary on Marie Antoinette on the Australian network. But to no avail. The rat is the victor in this round. But I will not be defeated. At least my lady can sleep well knowing I am here to protect her!


piano lady said...

You are such a hero!

Craig and Becky said...

Craig, you are such a protector. Maybe sleep deprived but, you are on guard. What a great hubby!!

Unknown said...

No offense, Craig, but after seeing Angie box somehow I doubt she's sleeping better because YOU are there to protect her. I would suggest you find a way to hide behind her every chance you get.

piano lady said...

Way to go Tim! That'll keep him humble! Very funny, though.