Tuesday, November 23, 2010


We got to sleep around 5 or 6 hours our first night here and now the fun is finally underway. Angie, Abby, and Misty are headed out for some shopping (and certainly some Cracker Barrel). Guess we can start gearing up for Christmas now.

One interesting note, when we finally got to immigration in Chicago we were met with a whole slew of eastern European folks whose heart language was something besides English. Nice that we go so long not speaking English and finally hit the USA only to hear people not speaking English. Bethany said she knew we were in America now since the signs were in English ... and Spanish.


Aunt Re said...

I hope they did not shop till you dropped...LLL Re

Anthony and Sharon said...

Glad you're back! Hope you haven't had a constant brain freeze simply from the climate change...I imagine that kind of thing can happen. Happy Thanksgiving!

Aunt Re said...

Bethany is a very smart Chica!