Thursday, April 15, 2010


So with some sickness floating around, Grandma is getting in plenty of time with the kids. She was pressed into duty to watch over Bethany and Hudson while we were at the hospital with Caleb. Then she was alone with them most of the day today. She seems to be hanging in there, though. What a trooper!!


Anthony and Sharon said...

Man. Quarantine. Images of small people in hazmat suits and an ambulance tanpa aircon are all flooding back now.

Hope everybody gets back on track so Grandma's visit isn't exclusively indoors!!

Aunt Re said...

Timing is everything...she was there just when she needed to be...I know she is having a great time. LLL Re

Richie said...

She's such a great Mom/Grandma! I'm lifting you all up!

piano lady said...

Timing is everything, huh?