Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day Two

The day started pretty normal.  With a delicious breakfast!This stuff is great.  More people should eat more curry more often.  Especially at breakfast!!
What is not to love about this breakfast?  Rice, little salted, dried fish, peanuts, fried chicken, and hot sauce.  Just like Grandma used to make.  Well, not your grandma but somebody's!
Then we went to this big Hindu festival in our town.  Everyone was happy and dressed up nice.  They had free food and drinks!  We even bumped into someone we knew.  It was nice.
Then things got a bit ... um different.  You know, in a shirtless-guy-carrying-fire sort of way.
Then it got weirder still.  Here Wes is thinking, "What in the world has Craig gotten me in to?!?"  He is not shielding himself but rather they insisted he fan the smoke up by his face.  The crazy looking guy in the back is a statue.  In the center was the chairman of the festival who was a great host to us.
Pretty soon, a thousand people showed up all in yellow.  Most of them were carrying bowls of milk on their heads.  They had some drums and chanting and things began to feel a bit foreign, if you will.
You can't see this too well.  Click on the picture to enlarge and maybe it will help.  This young lady actually has two metal skewers poking through her face.  That was about as weird as things got.  We heard sometimes people put hooks in their flesh but we didn't see anything that bizarre.

Overall it didn't take us too long to figure we should go.  But it sure was interesting.  Everybody knows they've got to do something with their sin.  We're sure glad we've found a different way than this!!


Unknown said...

Katie said she is glad we have another way to pay for our sins as well! Looks like you got out in the nick of time! BTW, Mike wants to know if Wesley has seen any deer or turkey? LOL!

The Woodalls

Sandie said...

I'm thinking that Craig is very right about what Wes is thinking about him!!!

Aunt Re said...

Your guests look alittle tired in the pic...or maybe they were overwhelmed by the smoke, or curry for breakfast...either way it's good to see their faces.

piano lady said...

I agree with Craig and Katie! Sounds very hmm? - interesting?

Craig and Angie said...

The Indian girls were very cute

Tiffany said...

I wonder if this was the Hindu Festival of Sarswati (she's the goddess of wisdom)? We just had that festival here and things wer very similar. Gobs of people walking down the streets carrying milk jugs, but Steve said they were not necessarily filled with milk, but water. They were walking down the streets, dancing to loud music trailing a statue just like the one in your photo of poor Wes wafting the smoke into his face! Poor guy!

Also, we didn't see any strangely skewered women!

Hmmmmmmm . . . I'm thinking since there is obviously a big Hindu population in your city that we should just move there so we can be by some familiar faces? Whatcha think?