Friday, February 13, 2009

Almost Done

We're down to one last restaurant and one last half-nights sleep before Wes and Kim head home.  Here is a look at our overnight stay in the country!
We didn't sleep here but we did stay two houses up in a much nicer place.  That is a really traditional house!
At some point our hosts broke open this fruit after Craig said he liked it (turns out he was mistaken and was thinking of another fruit).  This was obvious when the fruit was about 8 inches from our face.  It has a very ... um .... distinct smell.  Wes thinks the two best things to do with it are: 1) eat it and 2) drive around for hours with it in your hot car.  It made for a nice ride home.
Us chilling in our evening wear.  Craig made another fan of the man-skirt this week!
We had an awesome breakfast and the whole table ate for around $3.  The guy on the left with the hat was encouraging when he said, "Not all Americans are evil.  Just the politicians."
This is actually lunch and cost more like $20.  Pretty darn awesome!!
Finally, chillin with a friend.  Its been a good week.  If you know Wes and Kim make sure you hear their stories.  Just remember if you hear any regarding Craig's driving they are most likely not exaggerated at all.


piano lady said...

Looks like you got a lot in! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Aunt Re said...

I suppose they are in the air by now??? I think they land Sat night.