Saturday, June 5, 2010

You're Fired, Too!

One interesting thing multi-national companies do is to think glocally. You know, they are global companies but make local adjustments for local tastes. Its why Pizza Hut has a fish stick pizza and why you can get rice at McDonald's in Indonesia or a cabbage (not apple) pie in Russia. It makes sense because tastes vary. If you asked for mayo for your fries in Frankfort, KY they'd think you were crazy. Ask for them with ketchup in Frankfurt, Germany and they'll know you're American.

So in some cases I can get it. People here in SE Asia like different things. So when we found Pringles in various flavors, it seemed weird to us but understandable.
Seaweed flavor? Why not Auntie Ann's has a seaweed pretzel. Crab flavor? Well, people sell crab by the side of the road here like its silver queen corn.
Shrimp flavored? Of course, everyone here loves prawn crackers with their fried rice.
Some things are just weird, though. Lemon and sesame? That is odd enough that it might need to be tasted. But the employee who dreamed up this one needs to be let go:
Blueberry and hazelnut? What does that even mean? I can't think of anywhere that idea would seem like a good one. Probably the whole division responsible for "Fruit and Nut" chips needs to be made redundant as people here like to say.

**Special note: One day we found Jalapeno Pringles and I personally believe that person deserves a Nobel Prize!! Not too often we see those kinds of treats roll in from America. "What?" you ask. How did we know they were from America? Because the can had English and Spanish on it, thats how!


Aunt Re said...

I would at lest try them...We have Salt N Vinegar Pringles and now the are some hot ones Jalepeno & Cheddar...Yum. I don't see any that you have shown that really interest us Americans...Maybe the Lemon & Sesame. I like Mayo & Mustard w/my fries....have you seen anyone try that around the world. Can I get an order of Tandory (sp) Chicken to go? LLL Re

piano lady said...

I'm sure the people in other places would think some of our tastes are weird!

Anthony and Sharon said...

Interesting. Our favorite "puff" flavor is "Chickenator." Very Phineas and Ferb.

I can see the very corner of my favorite lime and vanilla popsicle just below the blueberry hazelnut mistake.