Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Today we went shopping at a place that is always crawling with people and has the slowest elevators ever. It takes so long to park and get to the stores we've just started using the valet since we found out that it only costs a quarter. Except today, we had a friend with us so I didn't want to seem wasteful. So I parked.

Anyway, we were shopping and finally got finished and loaded into the elevator that stops at every floor (we got on at the top floor and parked in B3, the bottom floor). At some point I realized the elevator was full. Until we stopped again and more people got on. Then I counted. There were 16 people in a normal sized elevator. Not a hospital elevator with doors on both ends. A normal, everyday type of elevator. With 16 people.

That is one of the things about Asia ... you don't have to get lonely! Would you press B3, please?


piano lady said...

So you just THOUGHT it was full! Funny how our perception of things can be shortsighted, huh?

Unknown said...

16 people... I'm just glad it was going DOWN!

Tiffany said...

I SOOOO would have taken the stairs! Here in South Asia the power goes out WAY too often for me to even THINK about getting in an elevator! It's the stairs for me ALWAYS!

So glad I found your blog finally. Miss you guys and read often!