Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bad neighbors make good rats

The saga continues...

Last night we went to bed and just as we were about to fall asleep we heard a nice WHACK! There is nothing as satisfying to a hunter like me than the sound of a Victor rat trap. If you have only used the mouse version, you have no idea of the noise those traps can make on a tile floor.

Well, we got back up only to find the trap empty again. I reset it with little hope for that night. I think they are smarter than that. Except 30 minutes later (just as we are about to sleep) the trap cracks again! And this time we GOT that sucker.

Our house helper on seeing this photo assured us it was definitely NOT a big rat. Not like near her house. She also thinks we are exceedingly weird for taking pictures of dead rats. I don't feel we've got 'em all, though, and so the full armory is back out tonight. Sadly, we are catching lots of lizards with our glue trap. Lizards I like. Though wild they are welcome as our allies in the fight against insects.

This afternoon I learned our next door neighbors had moved out last week. Our landlord was showing me their house on the hopes we know someone who will rent it. When his wife mentions the people who lived there were "orang yang tidak baik" (people who are not so good). This we knew since they were in the habit of honking a horn every morning at 6am or before.

But I did start to put together: not-so-good-neighbors who have moved, their house now being cleaned, us all of the sudden battling rats. A little too much coincidence for me. Makes you wonder what YOUR neighbors are up to over there doesn't it?!?


Aunt Re said...

The neighbors must have taken all the food with them....so they had to move to richer fields. Terminator Man.

Wilson Family said...

Congratulations and keep up the good work!