Thursday, September 29, 2011

Not your usual restaurant

Here in SE Asia we have our share of restaurants. We have all kinds of restaurants. Fast food ones, western type sit down ones, tables in the middle of the street ones, and any other type you can think of.

But here our restaurants have something your fancy restaurants in the US don't have.... waffles for sale. No, not waffles on the menu, waffles that you take home and stick in your toaster and cook for breakfast kind. We were super excited to see these waffles because we have a hard time acquiring waffels in this part of the world. We found them in a speciality store one time and paid an arm and a leg to bring home the goodness. So happiness abides in the Davis home if only for a little while.

Oh, one more thing, they have loaves of bread also. How great is that? No grocery run for bread when snow is in the forecast, just head to your closest restaurant and pick up a loaf or two.


Anthony and Sharon said...

Hang on a minute. What? Where'd you get these? Zam-zam? Seems like a place with misters would have waffles. I NEED these.

piano lady said...

I love waffles, too! BTW, there is not much I do not like!