Sunday, June 21, 2009

Still Catching Up

Just before the trip ended, we spent a few days out in a village with some local families. This is Justin with his host.
James and Justin got to stay together. The host family had limited English but was lots of fun.
Some students came to hang out with us and talk in English. We took around 1,000 pictures...
Including this one of Ricky and the gang.
In the afternoon we had a clinic to teach some folks to play Ultimate Frisbee. They were pretty amazing since most had never held a frisbee before and had to keep asking what it was called.
Then in the evening the village had a mock wedding for us to watch. James got all dressed up. He was one sharp looking dude in a skirt.
Some people just have the moves. And then there is Craig. The traditional dancers made us uncomfortable in more ways than just dragging us up front... Notice that Craig is not as cool as James since he is wearing tennis shoes with his skirt. Very bad form!
We had 10 friends from California with us, too. The guy with the red hat was the mock groom and beside him his mock bride. We all fake-cried since it wasn't a real wedding. This is after at least 90 minutes of photos. They were exhausted by the time Craig said, "OK, one more for me!"


Aunt Re said...

Glad all went well...they look ok today. We gave Ricky the floor in SS heard about some of the trip. Talk soon! LLL RE

piano lady said...

Ricky wore his skirt yesterday - he looked great! But the awana shirt didn't really compliment it!