Saturday, May 9, 2009

Island Life!

After a plane ride, immigration and all the works, then meeting back up with some friends yesterday we woke up to a hot day in Borneo and got to having a great time.
The kids were in the pool way before noon while Angie got in some shopping. I am not sure who enjoyed themselves more!!
For lunch we got to hang out with the Taliban. There were two guys with awesome beards, long robes, and turbans that I wanted a picture of but they didn't seem like they were up to it. It would have been great, though, having lunch with those guys at the Taliban...
Don't they look like they are having a great time? Angie is loving her short sleeves and capris. After lunch we went to a nice mall and hung out some. Finally we saw the new Star Trek movie which was pretty cool. It was only proper that they got in some cool lines from the show which I will not ruin for you.

The best part of the movie was when they showed James T. Kirk's hometown and showed the big word IOWA on the screen. Bethany leaned over and asked our friend, "What is Iowa?" We give apologies to all our chiropractor friends and Hawkeye fans. I guess that means they are enjoying Asia.

We do have a few USA puzzles and we ensure they know the Bluegrass state by always holding back Kentucky and putting it in last since as Dad always says, "Kentucky is the heart of America." And it is. Without Washington everyone would be better off. Without Kentucky there would be nothing. Just emptiness where meaning used to live.

So even if my kids don't know what Iowa is ... they do know how to navigate international airports and when they hear "visa" they don't think shopping via credit card. Plus they say stuff like, "Are we going back to Singapore soon?" Most elementary kids don't have the opportunity to boldly go where none of their schoolmates have gone before.


piano lady said...

Lunch with the Taliban - imagine that! By the way, where is Iowa? Just kidding!

Richie said...

Wow it looks beautiful there! I'm glad your kids know about Asia! Who know what wonderful deeds it will lead to in the future?! Only the Father...