Monday, August 10, 2009

Cooking Class

We enlisted the help of a neighborhood friend to have a little teaching class. We choose soup which happens to be something Craig loves!
You know people here love you when they feel comfortable enough to make fun of you. They kept saying things like, "Look how Angie washes noodles." But never said how exactly it should be done. (Look Abby, the knife rack is hanging up ... but its holding a spatula in this picture.)
The soup has some ingredients you recognize like carrots, celery, chili peppers, and chicken. But we also added fish cakes, fish balls, oyster sauce and some other delicious treats made from soy beans.
its coming together! You can see lots of cut fish balls and cakes in there... plus some greens.
The final tasty product. Carla got the recipe and I'm sure will be happy to share it upon her return. If you want it posted here, just let us know.


Sandie said...

Well it LOOKS good!!!

piano lady said...

I like soup, too! Can't wait to try it for Wed nite supper! Won't they be surprised?